maandag 31 augustus 2015
Webinar- Stormshield Network Security V2: new routing features
August 27th, 2015
Stormshield Network Security V2: new routing features
Technical Webinar
Stormshield's technical support team is offering a session dedicated to the new routing features introduced in Stormshield Network Security version 2. The main focus of this presentation will be router objects. In addition to configuration and use cases, monitoring and troubleshooting will also be discussed.
Make a date in September 15th, 2015
Session in English at 10:00 AM CEST (8:00 AM GMT)
Conducted by
Antoine Vandewalle, Stormshield support engineer
30 minutes of presentation 15 minutes of questions and answers
Arkoon and Netasq, fully owned subsidiaries of Airbus Defence and Space, run the Stormshield brand and offer innovative end-to-end security solutions to protect networks (Stormshield Network Security), computers (Stormshield Endpoint Security) and data (Stormshield Data Security).
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Arkoon Netasq - Copyright 2015
vrijdag 14 augustus 2015
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