Zie onderstaande bericht van NetASQ over de status van de update servers:Dear Partners,Last week, a new NETASQ URL base (59MB) has been published on our autoupdate servers.With this publication, we were faced with congestion and saturation problems on our connections and on our servers. Indeed all the UTM tried to download this new base, equivalent to 'autoupdate -f -t URLFiltering' command.Many improvements has been done on our update infructure, however there was still a lot of load.Therefore, we decided to roll back to the previous URL base (24MB); all UTMs, which havent succeed URL base update due to servers overload, will not download this new URL base.This action allowed to return to a normal situation and good server load, which will help us to improve the method of URL base pushing.-UTM which have old URL base will stay on this base.-UTM which have succeed to download this nex URL base will stay with this last one and will not recover the old URL base automatically (which
has been published).If you still experience failures with one of categories, please execute the following command:autoupdate -f -t categorieThe new URL base gave some categorisation problems on some webmail sites : webmail, hotmail, page jaune,...If this problem is still present, please execute the following command:autoupdate -f -t URLFilteringFurthermore, this new URL base will give problem on UTM of F serie (model S : F25/F50/F60).When this new URL base is downloaded, it will not have enough space for a 'normal' working.For example, it will not be possible to make an upgrade of firmware, due to lack of space on flash card.You can check which URL base is currentlu used on your product with the following command:du -hsc ~/Data/URLGroups/URLFiltering/Download24M : you have the old URL base.59M : you have the new URL base.The solution is to return to the old URL base which takes up less space on device with the following command:autoupdate -f -t URLFiltering.Our apologies for the
inconvenience!Best regardsNETASQ Technical Support Team.<br>
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