woensdag 23 juni 2010

NETASQ offers 3-for-2 protection this summer!

Untitled document NETASQ offers 3-for-2 protection this summer! NETASQ forsuperb network security NETASQ offers you to possibility to buyan U-series*,trade in your old F-series or any competitive firewall and buy 3yrs Maintenance for the price of 2! This summer NETASQ gives you the opportunity to offer all your customersthe best high end security solution against affordable pricing, including a 3yr Maintenance Pack! 3yr Maintenance for the price of 2yr:30% end user discount With a NETASQMaintenance Pack you can benefit fromdaily updates, firmware upgrades, hardware exchange and software improvements to optimize your network security. Promotion conditions:-Serial nr. of the trade in appliance is mandatory information on the Purchase Order-Only special discount on 3yr Maintenance purchase, 1yr remains at normal pricing- Maintenance packs with options are excluded (Kaspersky, Optenet, Seismo)- This promo is open for all resellers (certified and
non-certified)- Contact halim.msellemi@netasq.com for more information- This promo is valid until 30-08-2010* The U-Series comprises of the U30, U70, U120, U250, U450, U1100, U1500 and the U6000 and offer IPS-Firewall speeds ranging from 200 Mbps to 5.0 Gbps! Public prices range from &euro; 660,- to &euro; 24.990,- (excluding Maintenance Pack). Web Address:www.netasq.com Contact Us: 31 (0)76 888 3022Reduitlaan 334814 DC, BredaThe Netherlands Silver discount: 42%Gold discount:46%Platinum discount:50% <br>

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